Starting a Tire Recycling Business – A Complete Guide

 Starting a Tire Recycling Business

Do you want to start a tire recycling plant? If YES, here is a complete guide to starting a tire recycling business with NO money and no experience.


Why Start a Tire Recycling Business? 


If there is any industry or line of business that is gaining support from key stakeholders in our world today, it is the recycling industry. This is so because the recycling business is an eco-friendly business that can earn you a living and make you a business owner and an employer of labor.


There are diverse niches in the recycling industry, and one of them that you can specialize in if you are interested in starting a business in the industry is tire recycling. It is a business that is highly profitable because there is hardly any country or city that you won’t find used tires.


Fundamentally, what you need to launch a tire recycling business are the machines and equipment needed and the knowledge of how to operate them; a good idea of where to collect used tires and where to sell the raw materials generated from the recycling process, strong entrepreneurial skills and determination.


If you are interested in starting a tire and rubber waste recycling company, then you should be ready to conduct thorough feasibility studies and market survey before committing your money and other resources to it.Make Money from Shredding Tires


Industry Overview


The recycling industry that tire and rubber waste recycling is a subset of has become an integral part of our modern society not only due to its social and economic impact but also because it plays a vital role in the preservation of our planet. In the world today, it is estimated that over 1 trillion tons of waste is generated at the household level and in industries.


Common materials for recycling include tires, bottles, paper towels and aluminum cans et al and the niches available in the recycling industry are metal recycling, plastic recycling, electronic recycling, water recycling,oil recycling, glass recycling, furniture recycling, garbage recyclingtire recyclingconstruction waste recycling, paper recycling, battery recycling, cartridge recycling and industrial waste recycling et al.


Used tires can constitute a nuisance in our communities if they are not recycled and reused as raw materials in the manufacturing of new tires and other related products. Players in the Tires and Rubber Waste Recycling industry basically collect, separate, sort and process used and condemned tires. Tire and Rubber Waste Recycling companies make money/profits basically by selling raw materials generated from of recycled tires.


In it is on record that the united states of America generates hundreds of millions from the recycling of used/condemned tires every year, constituting the country’s largest source of rubber waste. Used/condemned tires pose a threat to our environment and public health because they serve as breeding grounds for disease – carrying mosquitoes and they release toxic chemicals into the air and ground if they catch fire. This is the reason state and local governments have passed legislation regulating the proper disposal of tires.


Some environmental experts further say that the world market for waste, from collection to recycling is worth around 300 billion Euros (US $410 billion). The recycling business is therefore a growing business that has futuristic benefits; there are markets in the developing world that can be tapped into especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America


The Tire and Rubber Waste Recycling industry is indeed a very thriving industry in most countries of the world. It is a major sector of the economy of the United States and it generates a whooping sum of $959.2 million annually from several registered and licensed Tire and Rubber Waste Recycling companies scattered all around the United States of America.


The industry is responsible for the employment of several thousand people directly and indirectly. Experts project that the Tire and Rubber Waste Recycling industry to grow at a 6.5 percent annual rate. There is no establishment in this industry that has a dominant market share in the United States.


Experts projected that the demand for the industry’s recycled tires and rubber products is expected to grow strongly. On the other hand, growth in government support for the industry’s recycling activities is expected to slow to a certain degree as the market becomes more saturated.


At present, more than 95.0 percent of the used and condemned tires generated each year are recycled or otherwise managed in an environmentally sustainable manner. As this percentage gets close to 100 percent, state and local government funding of the industry is forecast to slow as the need for an expansion of industry services declines.


No doubt, the Tire and Rubber Waste Recycling industry has come to stay and the good part of it is that it enjoys the support of environmentalists and the government of various nations since it is a means to preserve the earth from degradation, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution.


Despite the fact that establishing a Tire and Rubber Waste Recycling Company requires huge startup capital and rigorous processes to build a standard recycling plant, but it is indeed a profitable venture. The market for recycled tires and rubber waste is large and can accommodate loads of investors.


Just like any other business, if you are able to conduct your cost analysis, market research and feasibility studies before launching your tire recycling company, you are more likely not going to struggle to grow thebusiness because there are loads of manufacturing companies out there who get supply of raw materials from the tire recycling industry


By and large, starting and operating a tire recycling company can be challenging, but the truth is that it can be rewarding at the same time. One good thing about the industry is that it is open to both big time investors who have the capacity to start the business on a large scale with world class recycling plant, and aspiring entrepreneurs who may want to start on a small scale.

Optima provides various waste tire recycling machines. If you are interested in our products, please contact us now!



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